Monday, October 20, 2003

Two great learning opportunities in Toronto

My learning schedule is still rolling along after a few weeks. I figure I need to keep it up for 8 weeks before it becomes routine.

On Sunday, I ran the Toronto 1/2 Marathon. This was the second 1/2 marathon I've done (I did this one 5 minutes faster than last time). There were close to 3500 people running, but I bet I was the only one doing Torah Learning while running.

I used my MP3 player (that I got from Aish Audio) to listen to some MP3 torah learning files. I learned about "How to Respond to a Missionizer", and about Simchat Torah. Made the run go by quite quickly. I plan to continue to use the MP3 player on my runs, great time to fit in some extra learning.

There are 2 great Jewish learning opportunities in Toronto in the next few weeks that I plan to take part in.

First is the Discovery Seminar by Aish Ha'Torah. This is a traveling seminar that close to 10,000 people see every year. I've heard good things about it for quite some time now, and was excited to hear it's being held in Toronto on Oct 28th. See the above link for details.

The second is an all day conference by Torah In Motion, which is an organization very similar to Aish Ha'Torah. They are holding a conference on November 2nd called "Renewing Our Spirit". Looks like it will be a very interesting day.

I'll report back on each of these after the events.

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