Tuesday, October 14, 2003

A new Mitzvah

I went to Shul this morning - having to leave bright and early (5:40) to get there on time for the early start. I wasn't able to make it to Shul Sunday or Monday, so this was my first time at Shul this Sukkot. Even though I didn't buy my own Lulav and Etrog, the Shul has a few extras, so I was able to say the blessing over the lulav and etrog and shake them in the six directions at the appropriate points in the service. This was the first time I have ever performed the mitzvah of lulav and etrog - I said a special She'Hecianu.

Sukkot, the festival of joy, will be filled with a little more joy for one of our close friends this year. She just gave birth to a baby boy (she was due on Rosh Hashana - they were worried they might have to make a Bris on Yom Kippur). The name is Jacob Nathan, and the Bris is on Thursday at 7:45. Which means that I need to find an early minyon that day (my Shul doesn't get out until 8:00). I asked a few friends of mine, and there seem to be 2 Shuls in the area of the Bris that have 6:15 services, that should be perfect. www.godaven.com is a great place for finding minyons.

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