Friday, November 21, 2003

Marriage vs. Creation

The Torah uses words sparingly. The entire story of creation is 31 verses. This week we read about how Abraham’s servant found a wife (Rebecca) for Isaac. This takes 67 verses. This tells us something about the importance of the decision of who to marry.

We also learn something about how choose a spouse. Abraham’s greatest trait was kindness. He was matched with Sarah, whose greatest trait was judgment. They complemented each other, two halves of the same soul. Isaac took after his mother, and was a very good judge. That’s why Abraham’s servant was looking for a woman of total kindness. He looked for a woman who would not only offer him water, but would offer to water his 10 camels. Abraham knew that kindness to animals is a good indication to kindness to people.

Perhaps this is where the concept of “opposites attract” comes from? Your spouse should not be someone who is identical to you in every way, but someone who complements you. Someone who challenges you in the areas you cold improve on, and can learn from you in the areas they can improve on.

I was lucky enough to find a wife who complements me perfectly. We’re both better people because of each other. G-d willing, we will be able to put this to use in raising a family with our combined values.

Shabbat Shalom.

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