Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Joshua - Chapter 13

1. How does the beginning of this chapter seem to take issue with verse 23 at the close of chapter 11?

Chapter 11 closes by saying "Joshua took the entire land"; but this chapter starts by indicating that there is more to conquer.

2. How does verse 7 (and those which follow) relate to verse 23 at the end of chapter 11?

Similar to question 1 - chapter 11 says the land was divided among the tribes according to the ordinances God set to Moses; but here in chapter 13, Joshua is told by God "now divide the land" among the tribes. It would seem that much time has passed between the close of chapter 12 and the start of 13, and perhaps God is now reminding Joshua that he has a conquest to finish, and he'll need to redivide the land according to the new area they will soon conquer.

3. In verse 22, Bilaam is given an adjectival descriptive. Is that the same description which appears in the Five Books?

In the 5 books, Bilaam is never called a "sorcerer", as he is here. But from the context of the story in the 5 books, that is clearly a reasonable description of him.

Favourite Quote : "You have grown old, you are well on in years, and very much land still remains to be possessed." - Verse 1

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