Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Joshua - Chapter 12

1. Does the conquest as listed here include only Joshua's "victories"?

No, it also includes the conquest on the east side of the Jordan by Moses.

2. Are the listings in verses 7 through 24 specified in the earlier chapters?

Not by name. These verses seem to fill in the names of the cities that seem to be passed over with lines like “Joshua smote the entire land – the mountains, the South, the lowlands, the land of the waterfalls, and all their kings.” – Joshua 10:40

3. Is the conquest of Jerusalem given any special note?

No, it’s just listed amount the 30 others.

4. And, if every city conquered was destroyed, was Jerusalem destroyed as well?

It says these cities were “smote”, which doesn’t have to mean totally destroyed – just given a “heavy blow”.

5. What is set down as the sum total of kings having been conquered/destroyed west of the Jordan?

In total 31 Kings (and thus cities) were conquered west of the Jordan.

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