Wednesday, September 15, 2004

How did I do?

As we’re about to enter another Rosh Ha’Shanah, I though I should try to look back on the past year, and see how I did.

Last Rosh HaShanah, I proposed a theme for the new year. The theme was focused on improving myself through the performance of just one mitzvoh. The mitzvoh I choose was the very important mitzvah of tzdukah, charity. I wanted to give more and give better.

On year later, looking back on things, I can honestly say that the “year of tzdukah” was successful. I am giving more charity, I am actively looking for places where my charity will be best used and I am giving it out of joy, not obligation.

I am also giving in the form of my time, by volunteering for the Board of Governors and various committees at my Shul.

My theme also seemed to rub off on those around me. Mandy has always been very charitable, but now we are both paying attention to al the mass mailings we get asking for money, where as before they would have gone right in the trash. We both try to never turn away a request (as long as the charity is reasonable).

Of course, there is still much room to improve. My donation levels still fall well short of the 10% required by Jewish law, and I’m giving through agencies, rather than trying to help the needy directly. These are obviously things that I will continue to work on this coming year.

Shanah Tova

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