Wednesday, December 10, 2003

The 4th Aliah of Parashat Vayeitzei

Last week’s Portion contains the birth of most of Jacob’s children, and of how Rachel was barren for many years, until G-d remembered her and she gave birth to Jacob’s favourite son Joseph.

Our Shul is holding a fundraiser to commission a new Torah scroll. Members can sponsor a letter, or word, or sentence. Or an Aliah or even a Parahat. If you do an Aliah or Parashat you get to pick which one to dedicate.

Mandy and I decided to dedicate an Aliah. After much study, we decided on the 4th Aliah of Parashat Vayeitzei (described above). The selection was very carefully made. We wanted one talking about the birth of children. This portion talks about the birth of many children and how, after not being able to have a child, G-d remembers Rachel and she conceives.

Mandy and I have had two miscarriages. This act of Tzedukah and the mitzvah of writing a torah scroll are dedicated to the two souls that never got to enter this world.

Every time I daven, at the end of the silent Amidah, I add a personal prayer, similar to the following. May the merit of these mitzvahs enhance our prayers for Mandy to conceive and carry through to completion, in health and safety for the mother and unborn child, and that the child be delivered into the world at appropriate time, complete in all its limbs and senses, so that we may raise it according to your will as revealed in your Holly Torah.

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